LORO-X Online-Product-Database
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Artikel: 13513.DD0X - LORO-X BRANCH, PIPE IN PIPE, 98 DREGREE, MAIN SYSTEM DN 100/100, EMERGENCY SYSTEM DN 50/50 LORO-Double pipe branch DN 100/50 for main-emergency-combi drain DN 100/50LORO-X main-emergency combination branch pipe-in-pipe with 2-chamber push-fit socket connection, made of steel, hot-dip galvanized, for LORO-X main-emergency combination roof drainage systems, DN100/50 LORO-Export price without tax: 180,50 € | CAD 2D (DXF) CAD 3D (DWG) BIM 3D (stp) BIM 3D (ifc3) CAD drawing (PDF) Installation (PDF) Brochure (PDF) |
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