LORO-X Series 43 model DUOFLUX DN 100 Fill-a-Vent collector box

LORO-X main-emergency-combination-silent parapet drainage with double pipe drain DN 100/DN 100 and fill-a-vent pipe.

The new LORO-X DUOFLUX® parapet drainage with bonding flange for the direct installation in the edge of the parapet roof combines the main drainage with downpipe and rain standpipe with the emergency drainage as spout overflow in one system with only one drain.

The new LORO-X fill-a-vent pipe in the LORO-X collector box ensures the gravity flow and thus the starting of the emergency drainage via the weir at the collector box outside the roof area.


• bonding flange with upstand for an easy installation in the parapet edge
• silent gravity flow - ideal for residential construction
• only one drain for the main and the emergency drainage
• discharge rate and water height compliant to the roof drainage standard:
- main drainage with gravity flow DN 100, discharge rate 4.5 l/s at a water height of 35 mm on the roof
- emergency drainage with gravity flow DN 100, discharge rate 4.5 l/s at a water height of 75 mm on the roof

Application example DUOFLUX DN 100 Fill-a-Vent collector box

LORO-X DUOFLUX Main-emergency-combination parapet double pipe drain DN 100/DN 100 with bonding flange for bituminous roofing sheets, made of galvanized steel
DN 070/DN 070
penetration depth 52 mm13207.070X
DN 100/DN 100
penetration depth 103 mm13207.100X
LORO-X Collector, DN 100, for LORO-X DUOFLUX main-emergency-combination parapet double pipe drain, made of galvanized steel
DN 70DN 100
for double pipe drains04380.070X
for double pipe drains00446.100X
LORO-X Sliding flange, DN 70, for LORO-X DUOFLUX main-emergency-combination parapet double pipe drain, for attaching the vapor barrier

DN 70DN 100
made of galvanized steel13228.070X13228.100X
LORO-X Spout, DN 70

DN 50DN 70DN 100
made of galvanized steel, with additional inside coating15199.050X15199.070X15199.100X